Our Policies and Procedures
Clients Rights Policy overview
Whole Me Remedial Massage is responsible for creating a non-discriminatory, safe and professional environment. This policy is to safeguard, support, protect and inform clients of their legal rights and obligations with the objective of ensuring clients receive the best treatment possible within this clinic. All therapists are responsible for maintaining the well-being of our clients in a safe and professional manner that is aligned with our policies.
Clients Complaints Policy overview
Therapists are expected to personally maintain their professional conduct and must give due consideration to the foreseeable consequences of their actions. This policy is to establish the process for the management of client complaints in a manner that addresses and resolves grievances and issues that have arisen in a respectable time frame.
Confidentiality and Privacy Policy overview
Whole Me Remedial Massage is committed to ensuring client health information is appropriately recorded and stored in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988, as is their right by law. The policy's objective is to safeguard, protect and inform clients of their legal rights to privacy and confidentiality. Therapists are responsible for maintaining the privacy of clients in a professional and confidential manner when collecting, storing and disclosing their information. All therapists in this clinic are to abide by the Privacy Act 1988 and the Massage and Myotherapy Australia association confidentiality and privacy policies and procedures.
Working with Minors and Mandatory Reporting Policy overview
This policy highlights the therapist's duty to maintain professional standards throughout their practice, acting in a way that protects the vulnerable, particularly minors. Minors include persons under the age of 18. All minors must have parental, guardian, or carer consent prior to treatment.
Maintaining Currency in Massage Industry Policy overview
For the best quality practice, this policy states that a massage therapist is to maintain currency in training, competency, and to only work within their scope of practice.
Working within Scope of Practice Policy overview
The therapist will remain within their scope of practice when providing treatment to ensure the treatment safety and therapeutic nature. This policy outlines the requirements of a therapist to stay within their scope of practice.
Maintaining Health Fund Provider Status Policy overview
Whole Me Remedial Massage will meet the obligations of private health funds to issue receipts with provider numbers for clients. This clinic will ensure that all health fund provider numbers will be kept safe, and any breach of this condition will be taken seriously. Any misuse of health fund provider numbers is the therapist's responsibility as outlined below.
Boundaries and Sexual misconduct Policy overview
Whole Me Remedial Massage aims to ensure a safe environment for clients and therapists. This policy outlines the expected standard conduct of both client and therapist, supporting legal and ethical principles. It ensures all therapists have a clear and sound understanding of what constitutes professional boundaries and sexual misconduct in accordance with professional Massage Association Policies and Standards. Therapists must abide by the standards and Code of Ethics set by their Association, which clearly outlines the rules of behaviour in the therapeutic setting. These policies aim to protect both clients and therapists from inappropriate behaviour during the treatment and ensure professional boundaries are always maintained.
Draping Policy overview
Whole Me Remedial Massage will use this policy booklet to ensure the clients’ dignity, sense of security, privacy, modesty, and warmth are maintained during the massage treatment.
Massage therapists are to recognise and respect the right for clients to choose whether to decline treatment based on draping or body positions during assessment and or treatment. All therapists in this clinic must abide by Draping Guidelines and Policies of the Association.
Informed Consent Policy overview
This policy is to ensure that all therapists understand their responsibility to supply clients with adequate health related information and treatment processes so that clients can make informed decisions about their health and to obtain the clients consent for the proposed treatment techniques and protocols.
Therapists must first explain the treatment plan, techniques and protocols of treatment and obtain the clients written consent prior to commencing treatment.
Late, Cancellation and No-Show Policy
At Whole Me Remedial Massage, it is our aim to provide the best services to our clients, including an easy-to-use booking system. The full fee does apply however if the client is late to their appointment. A disclaimer explaining this is sent to the client when they are making a booking. By commencing the booking, they are agreeing to the terms and conditions of this Late, Cancellation and No-Show Policy. The purpose of this policy to ensure clients are aware of and understand the process and implications of arriving late, cancelling or being denied to attend a clinic appointment.
To view our full Policies and Procedures document, please open the below document. Hard copies can be found in the clinic.